Event report

IFCCI Session on 'Securing Your Legacy: Current Trends and Strategies for Family Wealth and Business Succession'

IFCCI in association with Trilegal, organized a virtual Session on Family Wealth and Business Succession on 12th October 2023.

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Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI), in association with Trilegal, organized a virtual Session on 'Securing Your Legacy: Current Trends and Strategies for Family Wealth and Business Succession' on 12th October 2023.

Ms. Rishika Roy, Head - Committees & Partnerships, IFCCI welcomed the participants and set the tone for the Session.

Mr. Tanmay Pattnaik, Partner, Trilegal led the Session with his presentation covering the recent trends and strategies for family wealth and business succession, the different transitions that are taking place, the importance of survival of the family businesses and also how it can actually thrive and grow, the role of family offices, the increased movement of HNI families to other countries, the preference of new generations for investing in start ups and the succession toolkit.

This was followed by an engaging interactive session with the members.

Ms. Aarushi Gautam, Manager - Committees & Events (North), IFCCI, while concluding the Session, thanked Mr. Pattnaik for a very interesting Session.

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