Companies news

Dassault Systemes Opens First India 3D Experience Lab In Pune

With the aim of boosting the start-up ecosystem in India, Paris-headquartered Dassault Systemes on Friday launched its first 3D experience lab in its research and development premises in Pune.

The Pune lab will offer entrepreneurs and start-ups unique resources to work on disruptive innovations, leverage collective intelligence and nurture projects that have the potential to transform society, the company said in a statement.

With this open innovation and startup accelerator, the selected start-ups will have access to Dassault Systemes’ Cloud-based 3D experience platform and worldwide ecosystem to accelerate their product development process for two years with technical mentoring, marketing and business development.

“Our goal is to build a community of intelligent, creative and passionate people, focused on positively impacting society, through disruptive innovation,” said Sudarshan Mogasale, CEO, 3DPLM Software Solutions, which is a research and development centre of Dassault Systemes.

“We are committed to helping Indian start-ups grow and bring their projects to life, with the hope of unleashing sustainable progress for tomorrow’s world,” Mogasale said.

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