Event report

Chennai : The Renault Nissan Site Visit

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The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry organised a visit to the Renault Nissan Factory. The site visit was held on Thursday, 11th April 2019 at Oragadam.

The event drew in participations from around 25 companies across various sectors from Chennai and Bangalore.

The event commenced with a brief overview of the company presented to us by Mr.Biju Balendran – Managing Director Renault Nissan Automotive India Pvt Ltd, and an interactive Q&A session during which Mr.Biju Balendran took questions from the participants.

This was followed by a tour of the factory premises. Some of the sections presented were the body shop, the trim and chassis shop, the stamping shop and the powertrain shop.

This site visit came to a close with a networking lunch organised by Renault Nissan.

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