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Airbus Shortlists Eight States For Helicopter Assembling Facility

Tamil Nadu is among the eight states being considered because the state has access to a supplier base, owing to the region's automotive industry

Aerospace giant Airbus is planning to set up a helicopter assembling facility in India. The European giant has shortlisted eight states for the facility, which will be relocated from France. 

Ashish Saraf, Airbus Group India vice-president for industry development, strategic partnerships and offsets, told Business Standard that the company plans to assemble helicopters in India over the next three to five years.   

Tamil Nadu is among the eight states being considered. The state has access to a supplier base, owing to the region’s automotive industry. Being a coastal state, it also has an advantage in terms of logistics. 

Airbus is planning to assemble its naval utility helicopters, including the Panther, for both domestic and export markets. These helicopters are being used by the navies of 18 countries, including the US Coast Guard. 

“We have identified eight different locations in the country, that is all we can say right now,” Saraf said and refused to share any investment figures, adding that it would be a “substantial investment”.

“Airbus has started creating an ecosystem by building a supplier base for the Make in India programme,” said Saraf, otherwise known as the ‘Make in India’ officer for Airbus in India. 

“To start with, minimum localisation would be around 40 per cent, according to the strategic partnership model,” he added.

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